Our Commitments and Goals
We will reduce our GHG Emission by 30% by 2025
We will work towards achieving Carbon Negative status by 2030
We will promote replanting of mangroves and seagrasses
We will implement floating solar in our farms beginning 2023
We will replace fossil fuel driven vehicles with electric vehicles by 2027
Our Sustainability Objectives
Combat Climate Change and promote healthy ocean habitats
Champion Workers growth, women’s empowerment, diversity and inclusion and meaningful employment
Promote a green economy in a blue world

We are a proud member of the UN Global compact
1st Sri Lankan Seafood company to join UNGC
” At Taprobane, our duty extends beyond the production of consumer products. As a responsible corporate citizen, we strive to create a blue-change for our future generations by engaging more sustainable and eco-friendly practices will be one of our prime offerings to our consumers in near future. We will bring about transformation underpinned by our strong will as ‘a company that inspires customer satisfaction beyond expectations while balancing the stakeholders’ interests’ in order to make positive impact on our communities contributing sustainable development. “
Mr. Dilan Fernando & Mr. Timothy O’Reilly

United Nations Global Compact Commitment Statement
As a company with global reach, we at Taprobane Seafoods committed to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) as an expression of our intent to act responsibly and ethically towards the international, as well as the local community. We are united in our efforts to help solve global issues by incorporating the ten principles of the UNGC on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption; and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our business activities.
We strive to strengthen our sustainable manufacturing practices along with leading the efforts to address the complex challenges facing the planet by adopting best practices for sustainable manufacturing, focusing on the transition to renewable energy, resource optimization, creating value from waste generated and conserving the biodiversity. Our intention has always been to go beyond and lead by example in seeking sustainable solutions to mitigate our environmental impact across Energy, Carbon Emission, Water, Wastewater, and Solid waste.
To support our growth model, Taprobane will ensure the culture of innovation, competition and excellence remains front and center of all we do. We want all people who join our team to realize their full potential. We know the best ideas often come from unexpected places and our individual differences bring new perspectives to the table. Therefore, we are committed to fostering a workplace that is increasingly diverse and inclusive. Taprobane will accomplish this through recruitment, training & development and retention of diverse talent, with a specific focus on women and on people who are differently abled (PWD), with the goal of expanding representation across all dimensions of diversity over the long term.
We believe we have a responsibility to conduct our business ethically. We support international standards for human rights including the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We do not engage in discrimination, harassment or any other acts that harm individual dignity for reasons such as race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, hometown, gender, age, disability etc. This includes providing a safe and decent working environment with zero forced labour, zero child labour, zero slave labour and trafficking in the overall operational process. We will ensure our business will work against corruption in all its forms.
Our success will be on how the promises were kept, not the promises made – and we’re committed to providing honest and transparent reporting on our progress.
Sustainability Team
Taprobane Seafoods (Pvt) Ltd
15th May 2022
SGD 2 – Zero Hunger

We use during processing of both crab meat and shrimp, maintains the nutritional values of each product. Our initiatives like the Blue Swimming Crab Fishery improvement project promote sustainable aquaculture, as this fishery project impact more than 6,000 fisherman in numerus fishing communities and corporative are eco recommended by the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch and the Marine Stewardship Council.
SGD 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth

The planned investment will increase the number of employees under the Taprobane brand significantly. With the boom in Vannamei shrimp that is expected and what we plan to align with, more and more people will join the seafood industry in the many verticals of farming and processing especially. The important point to note is that the investments will take place in locations with marginalized communities, providing access to employment for those who may not have had any previously. Providing much needed socio – economic stability for those communities. The planned investment will also contribute towards higher export incomes for the country, increasing our GDP contribution further. We are certified by ETI and practice safe and ethical labour practices in line with this international code.
SGD 10 – Reduced InequalitieS

Women play a huge role in Taprobane’ day to day operations. Our uniqueness stems from the fact that all our employees who work in the processing plants in the North are women, some war widows, all of them realizing that they are the breadwinners for their families. Our employees in the North, from the security guard to the manager to the supervisor and the employee are all women. Of our 15 mini processing plants and factories, 13 factories have females in senior management positions. Our second largest crab supplier is a lady and have zero prejudice with working with female suppliers or farmers in the future either. In Sri Lanka, there are more than 200 small-scale farmers (defined as no more than 3 ponds on Vannamei shrimp farming). Taprobane business model is to display transparency and equity within the supply chain. The best way to ensure equity is to cut out the middlemen and work directly with the farmers. Our Taprobane Club loyalty program gives emphasis to small scale farmers, providing them with benefits and privileges which will encourage more and more within the communities to participate in the industry. Currently Taprobane works with 250 farmers in Puttalam and Mannar Districts of which 200 are small scale farmers (80%).
SGD 13 – Climate Action

Part of the planned investment will go towards upgrading and replacing certain machinery with more efficient and up to date technology, requiring less energy consumption. One of the investments would be into cold storage where we hope to build our own facility. This would reduce any current emissions used for transporting processed seafood to other storage facilities as well. The feed business, Taprobane hopes to venture into would make our supply chain more efficient compared to us purchasing feed from an outside supplier. Due to the nature of our business, we have been at the forefront of pushing for eco-recommended fisheries, which in turn support the fishing communities directly, by ensuring they will have a sustainable fishery to provide them income for generations to come as well as higher prices for raw materials, which are attributable to higher prices being paid in the international market for sustainable and ethically sourced seafood. We do not engage in deforestation activities as the land allocated for farming of Vannamei shrimp is situated close to the coastal lines with no other use for it. The company now relies on solar power technology to operate its processing plants in Dankotuwa. With time, it is envisaged that all our mini-plants in the North will also move towards renewable energy.
SGD 14 – Life below water

In an industry like the seafood industry, which is truly international and has vast, complex supply chains, it is nearly impossible for one company or organisation to effect meaningful change on its own. From the beginning, it has been important to us to seek out like-minded organisations, including NGOs, civil society, and other companies, to make sure that we can find the best possible pathway to deliver against SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals. The Blue Swimming Crab Fishery Improvement Project which was initiated by us is a collaboration with other stakeholders to ensure that the blue swimming crab fishery can continue indefinity at a level that maintains the ecological health and abundance of blue swimming crab stocks and the diversity, structure, and function of the habitats and ecosystem upon which the fisheries depend, which in turn addresses SDG 14, Life below water.
UN SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

In an industry like the seafood industry, which is truly international and has vast, complex supply chains, it is nearly impossible for one company or organisation to effect meaningful change on its own. From the beginning, it has been important to us to seek out like-minded organisations, including NGOs, civil society, and other companies, to make sure that we can find the best possible pathway to deliver against SDG 17, Partnerships for the Goals. The Blue Swimming Crab Fishery Improvement Project which was initiated by us is a collaboration with other stakeholders to ensure that the blue swimming crab fishery can continue indefinity at a level that maintains the ecological health and abundance of blue swimming crab stocks and the diversity, structure, and function of the habitats and ecosystem upon which the fisheries depend, which in turn addresses SDG 14, Life below water.